what would have happened?


slice button this marchDo you ever play this game in your head?  “What would have happened if…?”  What would have happened if I hadn’t placed my lunch in the back of the choir tour bus where Dave was sitting? Would we have met? Would we have ever found each other on campus? What would me life exactly look like right now if that first encounter hadn’t happened?

What would have happened if I hadn’t subscribed to Stenhouse Newslinks and I wasn’t checking the website when Stacy and Ruth’s first book came out?  Would I have ever googled their names to find out what they were up to? Would I have ever found the ‘Slice’?  Would I have ever been intrigued enough to start a blog on my own?

Every week your writing changes me.  It has taught me community can be built by putting words down, one at a time.  Comments connect us as much as the stories write.  We visualize each other’s lives in the corners of our country and beyond.  We understand the human condition better and grow wiser every week as we read and write.  It is something that we want to share with our students, and with our teacher friends that say, ‘there never is enough time,’ or writing is ‘just not my thing’.  

Looking back over the last few years at my writing is almost painful.  But, I also have also seen the growth…I’ve had some good ideas, however, it is so interesting how your stories have mentored and coached  me.  I am honored every time a person chooses to read my post, every time a person connects their story to mine.  What would have happened if I hadn’t met you?

PS This will be the third time I’ve done the ‘Slice’.  I  always get all these questions in my head…will I have enough time, will I have an idea every day, can I really make it, should I write some posts before we begin, I am I too old,  how can I keep exercising too?

PSS The answers…I’ve found that the answers do come along the way, however, a few things that I’m doing ahead are:   writing working titles for stories I haven’t ever written about in WordPress post section for easy access.  I also am going to go back on old slices and do some revising…I hope this is cool with Stacy and the girls.

PSSS If I look at this writing as my best ‘first draft’…like we talk about with our kids, I think I will be able to make it.  I’m looking forward to growing up more in this 3rd year of posting in the challenge.  The PS thing also really seems to help me 🙂 And I you haven’t ever noticed, I don’t always like to follow convention.

About Nanc

lifelong teacher who is semi-retired (does this sound better?) who loves God, family and laughing... who hates social injustice... who wants to write every day... who needs to exercise every day... who blog hops... who wants to live her everyday life led by her savior, Jesus Christ!

14 responses »

  1. Thank you for writing this post for me! I feel just as you. As I read this I’m saying, yes, yes, and oh yes! I haven’t done the daily slice, but your PS’s support my belief that I too can do. Thanks again for this! I’m honored to be a part of this community.

  2. Tuesday has become almost my favorite day of the week. I feel the same as you – so lucky to have discovered this writing community, Thanks for sharing your doubts about meeting the challenge and offering some solutions. I’m still on the fence about my ability to meet the challenge this year.

  3. This is a fantastic post as we approach March! I’m looking forward to the challenge this year (also my third) and still feeling uneasy enough to have a working list of ideas to fall back on if needed. I know it will go well and I know that as we move through the month it will get easier because I will notice more around me…I’ll become more writer-like in my thinking and noticing. So, here’s to a great month of March for us all!

  4. I really loved these lines:
    “community can be built by putting words down, one at a time. Comments connect us as much as the stories write. ”
    That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it – and that is what brings us back every Tuesday.

  5. What great friends we have made through this virtual world of words! Those what ifs can drive one crazy. This has been the most incredible piece of my life for four years. I’m so glad the stars aligned and brought all the voices together.

  6. We are thinking along the same lines today, getting ready to March, thinking of the different aspects of the challenge. I was inspired by Leigh Anne’s question. I like your idea of “the best first draft.”

  7. “we understand more about the human condition”. I love that line. It’s so true – and that was the most unexpected outcome for me when I started Slicing.

    And of course it’s cool if you do some revising as part of the challenge! All that matters is that you’re doing it again!

  8. You’ve written some powerful slices in these past few weeks, Nancy. I’m so happy to have met you last year & to have had this journey together with you. Here comes March!

  9. I wrote today about the fear of doing my first challenge. Then to read that this will be your third and you still have those same fears gives me some comfort. I have received so much positive feedback today, especially Terje’s post! You are so right – this community is absolutely amazing!

  10. This is a wonderful slice to share with the larger community and for new slicers who are just beginning. I’m sitting here in the dark of my living room and shaking my head as I read each sentence
    YES YES YES!!!

  11. All you said here rings so true! Glad to be sharing the challenge again, and with more friends than ever.
    PS…I loved it when you used PSS and PSSS! It reminded me of how my friend and I used to do that in letters we exchanged after her family moved away.

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