on the road again

on the road again, making music with my friends

on the road again, making music with my friends


…..a great walk with Kelly down by the river, talking about life, faith, marriage and career, love my girl.

…..call from Daddy who is watching weather and worried about us going on ‘the road trip’,

…..I tell Tonto that we will leave tonight to try to chase the storm clouds…he says okay but—–

…..I tell Tonto that my father always knows best when it comes to watching weather reports,

…..we go to Palm Sunday on Saturday night with Kell….awesome church, glad she’s there with us,

…..drive her back to the gold coast, get Portillos, yum, we are off down the Skyway that takes us to adventures north and south,

…..the night sky shines like diamonds, the weather pristine, how could it possibly change?

….stopping for the night…tossing and turning, worried about beating the brewing storm,

….righteous worry, bad weather is coming, but my faithful Tonto is driving us through it,

….sunny skys, “Did we beat it?”  I offer to relieve Tonto,

….the start of droplets, I’m sweating, Tonto is sleeping, oh no.

….it’s the scary car wash rain, I can only see the flashing lights of one car ahead of me…I can’t locate my flashers,

…………………………white knuckles, Tonto continues to sleep, or pretends to

……………………………………………3 miles to go,  I think I can, I think I can, I think I can

……………………………………………………………..I did, and we beat it,

…the storm of 10 inches of snow, my dad tells me today, about the rain storm that I knuckled through yesterday

…thanks Daddy, love you too….

About Nanc

lifelong teacher who is semi-retired (does this sound better?) who loves God, family and laughing... who hates social injustice... who wants to write every day... who needs to exercise every day... who blog hops... who wants to live her everyday life led by her savior, Jesus Christ!

3 responses »

  1. Glad you beat the storm. We had a foot of snow on Saturday! Driving was horrible! What a start to spring break! Praying for a super week of reconnecting! And can’t wait for Tattered Cover when you come to Denver this summer!

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