almost flipped out


I opened up to put on my post.  I hadn’t read my comments from yesterday.  The last comment was from a friend who I just discovered was ‘slicing’ this year.  I tried to comment on her post.  Nothing was going right.  My computer kept spinning and spinning.  I had to go to church…oh my gosh, I asked if I could use super computer in Dave’s office….same thing.  I feel stranded and crazy.  It’s slice time! Will I be relegated just to doing slices at school…before and after???? It’s the rule.  I go back upstairs and try another browser and another.  It is SPIN CITY!  Suddenly I hear a chime, a computer chime coming from big Daddy.  Dave yells up the stairs, I think the internet is sluggish.  I just restarted.  Hmmm, okay computer master genius, I hope it works.  It did…crisis averted for now. Here’s to healthy computers this month!

Hold up little laptop girl !

Hold up little laptop girl !

About Nanc

lifelong teacher who is semi-retired (does this sound better?) who loves God, family and laughing... who hates social injustice... who wants to write every day... who needs to exercise every day... who blog hops... who wants to live her everyday life led by her savior, Jesus Christ!

12 responses »

  1. There is nothing worse than that endless spinning when you are in a hurry. I don’t know how we survived when computers were just beginning to appear in homes. I know they were a thousand times slower but I don’t ever remember getting angry and frustrated back then.

  2. You’ve expressed your frustration so well in your words themselves as well as they hurried tone they portray. Hope things work better from now on – but, hey, you made it work! Have a good day!

  3. You have summarized the tension of slicing quite well! I am already fearing our snow forecast for Wednesday, wondering if we’ll lose power – yikes, how will I slice? Thanks for sharing.

  4. This morning I wished I was at home using MY computer as only half the computers in the lab worked, and we had to complete an ESL testing session! Everyone got tested–it just took double the time:)

  5. “Computer master genius” – I love that term. I don’t know where I’d be without the one that lives at my house. I also identified with asking if you could use the supercomputer. I would never use hubby’s computer without permission. The kids and I learned years ago that Dad’s computer is sacred.

  6. I swear computers (and the office copy machine) can sense when I’m in a hurry and stressed and balk accordingly. When my 8th graders are frustrated with technology and computers, I tell them to breathe deeply and repeat after me….I will not throw the laptop across the room….I will not throw the laptop across the room…

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