Keen Agers


slice button this marchExperiencing life with my parents ages 84 and 88 is so precious to me lately.  This summer my mother-in-law unexpectedly passed away.  I’m watching my father-in-law live courageously without the love his life.  We all miss her so much.   So, each time I’m with my mom and dad I selfishly want to be just with them, soaking in these precious stories and moments.

This weekend I was planning on having them to dinner…getting them out of their house.  We all have been so cooped up.  So I was surprised when I called them and my dad said, “Nancy, your mom has to go to an outing at church.” I had heard about Keen Agers; the polar opposite of Teen Agers, at least in age.  At their church they get together for a wonderful meal, short devotional and entertainment…the kind of entertainment that 80 year olds like.  Friday night was Mardi Gras and my mom wanted me to go with.

We entered a room filled with canes and happy older folks. Centerpieces adorned every table and all of us were given beads to wear. I did notice that women did seem to outnumber the men.  I was greeted and no one said anything about me being… hmmm… decidedly younger.  I didn’t know what to expect but there was lively conversation at all the tables… my parents introduced me to some of their friends as we found our seats.  These people were new friends of my parents, not the people who I grew up with.  My parents went to a different church when I was at home, and most of their best friends sadly  have passed away.  We ate a delicious meal of Jumbalya, a bit spicy for my Swedish parents, but the rest of us at the table loved it.

We then were treated to the local High School’s jazz band, playing some old standards.  There was foot tapping, clapping and it all came to a close with a standing ovation.  It took a while for everyone to get to their feet, but there was joy in everyone’s faces at this event.  In fact the whole night was just ‘peachy keen’ , a new fantastic memory with my mom and dad and some of their new friends.

Make new friends, but keep the old.  One is silver and the other gold.  I still want to grow up and be like my parents.  

About Nanc

lifelong teacher who is semi-retired (does this sound better?) who loves God, family and laughing... who hates social injustice... who wants to write every day... who needs to exercise every day... who blog hops... who wants to live her everyday life led by her savior, Jesus Christ!

10 responses »

  1. That’s wonderful for your parents. I know how hard it is for my dad to be alone. Yes, he has a great caregiver and my brother close by but he’s alone and that will never go away at 93. Love his courage!

  2. It sounds like your parents and you had a wonderful time. It is great that the church hosts things like this for “Keen Agers”. We are social creatures and have the need to socialize no matter our age. May they have many more Keen Ager meetings.

  3. Nice that you could spend the time with them and the things they enjoy! I your reflection on the mix of emotion in wanting to spend time alone with your folks but then realize it is good to see them as other might see them.

  4. It’s great that they have this church gathering to go to & to look forward to. I’m glad you live near too, Nancy.It was probably a good memory for them as well as for you!

  5. These moments need to be preserved, you never know what lies ahead. I had to laugh when you said it took a while for the standing ovation. It’s great you could attend a be a keen ager too.

  6. Such a great Slice! I love that you secretly crave that time with your parents. It is so precious! My mom and dad took my grandma with them on a cruise a couple months after my grandpa died. They had the best time, and she has such fond memories of that. Thank you for letting us in on this time for you! I love the Keen Agers too!

  7. What a fun memory for you. It sounds like you had some old fashioned fun with two of the best people in your life. I’m glad you were able to join them.

  8. “Keen agers.” That is fun! I’m going to have to remember that one. How wonderful that your parents are so active and even better you are able to enjoy spending time with them.


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